Hi there! Thanks for taking the time to get to know more about me. Here's what I feel are the most important bits you may want to know:

- My name is Michael. I'll happily respond to any nickname variant of this, but my friends especially call me Mikey, because I especially like that one.

- I am 22 years old. Depending on the person, this will explain my enduring wisdom, or my grating immaturity.

- I am a guy. I use he/him. If my art has ever failed to make it clear, yes, I am transgender. It's pretty awesome.

- It might be obvious, but some of my favorite things to talk about and make art about are robots, humanity, horror, and love. And video games. Don't even get me started on video games.

Ideally, if you want to contact me, you should send me an email at faultychips@protonmail.com!

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